Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Big Mouth La La La La La La

Well, shit, I just can't be relaxed or keep a civil tongue about me anywhere, can I? I pretty much verbally flipped an office drone off earlier today, telling her “Well, you don't have to tip me, and I've already blacklisted this address from future delivery requests.” It's these fucking office buildings downtown. The security — hell, where the elevators are located, even — is different for each one: in some buildings you just cruise on up, but in other buildings you have to go through some kind of liaison or procedure. Senator Merkley happens to have an office in this building, so I ended up lost in a maze of some ugly computer interface ... my pole star being an utter lack of delivery directions.

The long story made short: I called her, the elevator finally came (lol for someone else, of course), I hung up after I told her it arrived, and upon hand-off the customer complained about me hanging up. The conversation was over: what about “Never mind! Here it is!” is so hard to understand? Imbecile! Most people have the social and life skills of boxcar rejects, really; it's just that some people keep their shitty jobs, some people's spouses don't cheat on them or divorce them, some manage to hide their ineptitude and laziness in the maze of middle-management politics, and a select few manage to enslave everyone around them — to leech off of and deflect accountability onto. It all could have been avoided if the fool had simply included in the delivery request instructions on how to use the security terminal to get her fucking food to her!

Still, I didn't need to point out to her that her lack of useful (okay, I was polite and said “explicit”) instructions caused the delay. Still, it was a double delivery, and the other shit was getting cold because some vapid cunt was being both retarded and lazy. And I'm sick and tired of how precious and infantilized American consumers have become; they just get more and more like children, with every passing year. Anyone ever read H.G. Wells? (That was one weird dude, for the times, by the way!) Remember the Morlocks and the Eloi from The Time Machine?

Look them up. They were very much like your standard-issue Starbucks chumps ... only infinitely more agreeable.